Boynton Canyon May 10

On Sedona's wwest side
P5116168   BOYNTON CANYON P5116170 P5116171 P5116173
P5116174   The first half-mile of trail stays close to Enchantment Resort P5116175   Mii Amo at Enchantment P5116176 P5116177
P5116178 P5116179 P5116180 P5116181
P5116182 P5116183 P5116185 P5116187
P5116188 P5116189 P5116190 P5116191
P5116192 P5116193 P5116194 P5116195
P5116196 P5116197   This part of the Canyon shelters thick growth P5116198 P5116199
P5116200 P5116202 P5116203   False Solomon's Seal P5116204
P5116205 P5116206 P5116207 P5116208
P5116209 P5116210 P5116211 P5116212   We are now close to the end of the canyon
P5116213 P5116214 P5116215   Last lunch of the season! P5116216
P5116217 P5116218 P5116219 P5116221
P5116222 P5116223 P5116225 P5116226   Making our way back...
P5116227 P5116229 P5116230 P5116231
P5116233 P5116234 P5116235 P5116236
P5116237 P5116238 P5116239 P5116240   Delayed by this year's cold weather, spring flowers are starting to proliferate
P5116241 P5116243 P5116244 P5116245
P5116246 P5116247